Will you guys pleeeeeease fix the fishing mini game? the fish that are deemed "unreal" or "challenging" are just straight up impossible. and if it is possible, then the R.N.G. is really bad. I can understand things to be challenging but this is just annoying. The fish ALWAYS spawn to the far right, and with what little time you have to get them, even if you are hitting it perfect on the circle, it NEVER makes it and when it gets close, the damn fish ALWAYS swims back down than poof, gone! when you think about it, the circle is WAY too small for the very little time you have to try to get the ring back in the circle so you can "pull" again to TRY to set the gauge back and thats with a maxed out rod. I'm sorry if I seem rash but, I just spent THREE HOURS try to catch the same fish and its not challenging, its just straight up annoying and to the 0.1% of players that got this achievement, they must be the luckiest people on earth. Dark souls is easier than this mini game lol. Yes I'm trying to get the get all the achievements and this is the last one I have to get, and its driving me crazy. I love the game and everything else with it, but this...is the ONLY thing I don't like and I cant be the only one thinking this way about the mini-game. If there is something I'm missing, I'm just not getting it. please look into it, other than that again I love this game and you guys are doing a great job andI just want to help improve the game

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I'll also add that I have a maxed out rod, I can't improve it anymore in case you where wondering and im sitting on 80k in fishing points. Maybe allow us to improve the rod more?

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Very cool!

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